Scoom parts way with Team Liquid
The Team Liquid's ingame leader decided to part ways with his team despite the good performance during the whole PGI event (the team has shown good performance both in FPP & TPP stages with 2nd placement both times). He reported this decision in his twitter account giving credits almost to everyone.
Although I am still under contract with @TeamLiquid, I am now open to any offers or opportunities my way.
— Scoom (@LiquidScoom) August 4, 2018
The team and I mutually agreed upon and it's time for me to continue my journey elsewhere.
RTs and stuff yeye.
yeah a lot of people thought that, was for old roster not this one, was just captain for everything outside etc, but pretty sure Moses knows that as I think we spoke about it ?
— Scoom (@LiquidScoom) August 4, 2018
This "might" be my last LAN with the team, we will see.
— Scoom (@LiquidScoom) August 4, 2018
But without a doubt I/we will give it our all ❤️
Team Liquid PUBG roster:
Jim Gunnar "Jeemzz" Eliassen
Samu "Sambty" Kauppinen
Jord "Ibiza" van Geldere
Keiron "Scoom" Prescott