2nd day of Starseries I-league lan

The second day of StarSeries i-League PUBG was as good as the first one or even probably better bringing the audience the same amount of top tier matches with loads of breathtaking moments and impressive player perfomances. Some of the teams have enhanced their positions at the top of the leaderboards, some have started to catch leaders after failing the first day and the others became tournament outsiders.

We bring you the most epic moments of the second day of this event

StarSeries i-League PUBG Trailers

Фотоотчет со 2-го дня StarSeries i-League PUBG

StarSeries i-League PUBG проходит в «Киев Киберспорт Арене» с 1 по 4 марта. Призовой фонд ивента равен $100 тыс. С системой начисления очков, списком участников, форматом и расписанием турнира вы можете ознакомиться в нашем гайде для зрителей!