PUBG Corp. has released an official statement regarding some changes in the upcoming PGI.S format.

The team has been working hard to achieve an offline event that brings teams together from around the world in a way that is safe and compliant with all COVID regulations and travel restrictions.

As everyone knows, it has been a crazy year and the situation continues to remain fluid. With that, we have been working closely with government and travel agencies to ensure the viability of our upcoming event. Unfortunately, in order to meet all the necessary requirements, we set a deadline to confirm a list of invited teams prior to starting the booking process. At that time, our agencies advised us that in accordance with certain guidelines, teams from Australia would be unable to attend due to travel bans. Because of that, we unfortunately had to move forward by choosing and confirming other teams.

We absolutely recognize the impressive performances from Fury throughout the year and we’re extremely disappointed that we cannot include them in this event. We look forward to continuing to watch the performances from OCE teams in 2021 and their attendance in future events.‎