June 3 Maintenance & Bug Fixes

Maintenance is complete and alongside regular stability checks and backend work, we’ve rolled out some bug fixes and a QoL change for Ranked Mode matchmaking.

Ranked Mode Matchmaking
Players launching into Ranked Mode without a full squad often weren’t assigned additional teammates. We’ve seen this feedback and made some improvements.

  • When entering Ranked Mode without a full squad, matchmaking is now more likely to find you enough players to form a full team

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed the issue where kills were incorrectly marked as assists when a player you knocked then died to the Blue Zone
  • Fixed an issue where in some cases leaver penalties weren’t applied or applied late
  • Fixed an issue where placement matches sometimes weren’t recorded after leaving the match early
  • Fixed an issue where after leaving and rejoining a match, the ranked results don't appear
  • Fixed an issue where temporarily banned players still displayed on the Ranked leaderboards
  • Fixed issue where spamming the Survivor Pass page while the lobby was loading would open the pass results page to open