Aitzy completing FaZe active roster
American esports giant FaZe Clan has officially presented the last player of their roster. The team's addition is Ludvik "Aitzy" Jahnsen who has been stepping in for the squad for the past few months and has managed to winn OGA PUBG PIT Invitational S2, and finish second at PGL PUBG Fall Invitational 2018. With the recent addition of Russian star player Ubah to the team the roster is now full.
Despite the recent the reshuffle wave that has also reached this team resulting in loosing two players, they've not only managed to keep the roster active and playing at the top level, but also form the brand new roster with the old core.
FaZe Clan current roster:
Anssi "mxey" Pekkonen
David "Fuzzface" Tillberg Persson
Ivan "Ubah" Kapustin
Ludvik "Aitzy" Jahnsen