Xbox - Training Mode is coming to the PTS!

Hey everyone,

This week, we are updating the PTS to add the highly requested Training Mode!

The PUBG Training Mode lets 5-20 players (solo queue with matchmaking) explore a brand new 2x2 km map and practice all aspects of PUBG, from driving the game’s various vehicles around the island’s race tracks, to practicing parachute landings on scattered targets, to mastering the perfect peek shot. There are even areas to practice vaulting, close-quarters combat, and of course, sweet vehicle jumps.



In addition to the Training Mode, the PTS will have all of the previous content that was added on October 11. You can view those patch notes here.

In the meantime, check out the patch notes for the Training Mode below, as well as instructions on how to download the PTS!

For those who haven’t yet used the PTS
The PTS is a separate PUBG server that’s free to download for anyone who already owns a copy of PUBG. The purpose of the test server is not just to provide a preview of upcoming features, but to find the issues we need to solve so we can work on the fix as soon as possible. The changes listed below are all coming to the PTS first because many of the changes still needs to be tested to see if there are any issues with performance.

To take part in the test, all you have to do is own a copy of PUBG for Xbox One and search for “PUBG Test Server” on the Microsoft Store.

Maintenance Schedule
PDT: October 18 7:00PM - 9:00PM
CEST: October 19 4:00AM - 6:00AM

Training Mode 

  • Added a Training Mode where you can practice all aspects of PUBG gameplay
  • The Training Mode map is 2x2 in size
  • You can join through matchmaking by clicking on the “Training Mode” button in the lobby.
    • When there are more than 5 players in the matchmaking queue, the session will start immediately. Players will continue to join open sessions for up to 5 minutes after they start. (Up to 20 per session)
    • If there are less than 5 players in the matchmaking queue, matchmaking will continue for 5 minutes
      • If there are still less than 5 players after 5 minutes, the session will start with the original number of players present and other players cannot join the session.
    • Total play time is 30 minutes (e.g. in case of number 1, where you immediately enter a session, you have 5 minutes where other players can join the session + regular training mode playing time of 25 minutes)
    • Players cannot drop below 1hp in Training mode


  • Bluezone effect has been changed


  • Optimized weather effects to increase framerate - especially during rain
  • Optimized cloud effects during free falling to increase framerate

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed a bug where sometimes there are hitches during gameplay - up to 1~2 seconds

We are excited to finally introduce Training Mode, and we hope many of our players will head over to the PTS to check it out. Please be sure to share your feedback on our channels and let us know what you think of this week’s PTS content!

PUBG Xbox Team