DieZzz fills the AVANGAR squad
After Drainys' departure to the Ukranian multigaming organization Na`Vi CIS powersquad AVANGAR was down to three players for a few weeks and finally they have announced that they are buying out forZe's player contract. Artem «DieZzz» Lipatov has decided to leave his team to join the AVANGAR squad, the management decided not to forbit their player to do so and agreed to his transfer.
"Though forZe squad has not achieved anything notable DieZzz is very skilled and promising player", - forZe management says."We wish him all the best in AVANGAR. We beleive its the best substitution they could get. We would like to thank AVANGAR for the great transfer organization and being open minded in the process.
It is not yet known who would take his place in forZe, but now we have the AVANGAR roster filled:
Zhandos «MuMiNo» Omarov
Adlet «KeeN» Nurseitov
Alexey «Onuqtive» Trufanov
Artem «DieZzz» Lipatov