Falcons bid farewell to M1ME

North American team Falcons has announced a replacement in its PUBG: BATTLEGROUNDS lineup - Austin "M1ME" Scherff has left the team.

The vacant roster spot was taken by Dylan "Roth" Short (pictured), who previously played for Spacestation Gaming.

M1ME has represented Falcons since March this year, and was previously a Luminocity player.

Falcons won PUBG Americas Series 3, placed 22nd at PUBG Global Series 3 and finished in the top 7 at PUBG Global Series 4.

Team Falcons' lineup:

  • Австралия, Australia, AU Lachlan "Fludd" Thompson
  • США, United States, US Noah "Relo" Jenkins
  • США, United States, US Jake "Snakers" Winant
  • США, United States, US Dylan "Roth" Short
  • США, United States, US Lawrence "Trevor" Meredith (coach)

Origin: x.com