Team Liquid excluded Kaymind
Team Liquid has expelled Thierry "Kaymind" Kaltenback. The Canadian pro told about it on his channel in Discord. Kaymind himself explained the things this way:
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The organization itself has not yet made an official statement in this regard. We don't know who's gonna take the free slot in the team.
Kaymind has represented Team Liquid since January this year. With him the team took the third place on GLL Season 4, took "silver" in the European final of PGS: Berlin, entered the top 7 on PUBG Continental Series: Charity Showdown and top 5 on PCS 1.
Current Team Liquid lineup
Current Team Liquid
Jim "Jeemzz" Gunnar Eliassen
Jord "Ibiza" van Geldere
Anssi "mxey" Pekkonen