Introducing: Weapon Mastery
Another major announce from PUBG Corp. development team. This feature would be implemented to the test servers tomorrow during the maintenance.
Hello Players!
Late last year, PUBG Corporation formed a new Mastery initiative dedicated to improving and evolving how progression works on the Battlegrounds. Since then, we’ve been heads down working to establish a cohesive progression system that feels true to the PUBG experience and rewarding to you, the players. After months of planning and development, we’re stoked to finally reveal our first class of progression: Weapon Mastery.
What is Weapon Mastery?
Weapon Mastery is a brand new progression feature in PUBG with unique, free rewards. Our goals for Weapon Mastery are simple, give players an avenue for improving their weapon skills and celebrate the journey along the way.
After Weapon Mastery goes live, you’ll notice every weapon now has a series of levels that players can progress through by dealing damage and defeating opponents. It’s important to note however that both strategy and precision also have an influence on how quickly you level up your weapons. Weapon Mastery aims to encourage healthy play in PUBG where both weapon skill and the effort to be the last man standing are rewarded in tandem.
TL;DR: Shoot enemies, stay alive, get cool stuff.
Progressing in Weapon Mastery
You can progress through Weapon Mastery levels by earning Weapon XP in matches. Hitting difficult shots, surviving longer and defeating more enemies will all earn you Weapon XP at a faster rate. After every ten levels on a weapon, you will be promoted to the next Mastery Tier (there are 10 tiers total). Gaining levels and tiers in Weapon Mastery will result in unlocking the rewards content the system has to offer. The farther you progress, the more there is to unlock. In order to help you track your progression, we’ve included a new Last Match screen where you can see your earned Weapon XP, weapon stats, and earned rewards from the previous game you’ve played.
Mastery Menu
We’ve bundled the Last Match screen and everything else related to weapon progression under this new menu. The Mastery Menu will serve as the new home for all progression content from the Mastery team. In this version, you’ll be able to view weapon stats, see your earned medals and track your rewards progress on each weapon.
Earning Rewards
Speaking of rewards, Weapon Mastery features a number of new things to unlock and collect, all of which are free to those who earn them. No Weapon Mastery content will ever be purchasable, so be prepared to work for this specialized loot. Giving players the opportunity to show off their accomplishments and personalize their look are very high on our priority list. We've explained how you earn rewards, but here's a taste of the perks and levels coming to Weapon Mastery.
Charms are a brand new aesthetic reward to PUBG. Charms are keychain-like trinkets that attach to the left side on the barrel of each weapon. You can equip and see which charms you have unlocked from inside the Mastery tab. We’re launching with 20 unique charms that must be earned on a per weapon basis and it’s a safe bet that there are more on the way.<Weapon Mastery has 20 different earnable charms at launch, here are just a few.>
Mastery Emblems
Each tier has its own corresponding emblem and those emblems get more prestigious over time. Over the next few months our team will be exploring ways for you to show off your emblems to other players.
The launch of Weapon Mastery also features the maiden voyage of our new medals system. Medals are our way of highlighting the awesome accomplishments you perform. Our launch medals all revolve around rare weapons feats. We’ll be sharing more on how medals fit into our larger plans in the future, but in the meantime, enjoy stacking those Quadras.
What Are Defeats?
Defeats are a new concept we’re bringing to the game in order to clarify how medals are earned.
You Defeat a player by
- Killing any player in the solo playlists
- Knocking down any enemy in duo or squad playlists
- Killing the last man standing on a team in duo or squad playlists
You do not Defeat a player by
- Killing an already knocked player in duo or squad playlists
...and no, you can’t defeat your own teammates. Don’t be that guy.
What’s Next
Weapon Mastery is the first piece of a much larger system currently being designed. As we learn, adapt, and grow as a group, we want to hear from you. If you have ideas to improve the Weapon Mastery system, ideas for future rewards, or any other thoughts on the best way to grow and progress as a PUBG player, please let us know.
Some of the Weapon Mastery team will be doing an AMA on Reddit on 04/22/2019 from 10am to 1pm ET, which we’ll link through our social channels. This will be a great time to ask the developers and designers any questions related to this upcoming feature! We'll also be collecting questions separately from those who are not able to participate in the AMA because of the time difference, so please leave your questions here as comments! We are going to collect and send them to AMA so that developers can answer. These answers will be posted on the Q&A announcement after the event, so watch for upcoming announcements for your chance to get answers!
You can try out the Weapon Mastery system on the PC test server on 04/17/2019 KST, and when it goes live a week later for PC. Weapons Mastery is in development for Xbox and PS4.
See you on the Battlegrounds,
--The PUBG Mastery Team