15 Apr, 2018
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PUBG nominated for BAFTA Games awards
16 Mar, 2018

PlayerUnknown reveals some details of the upcoming 8x8 map

This Thursday during BAFTA awards, where PUBG has been nominated for three titles, but didn't make it to claim any of them, the creator of PUBG Brendan Greene has spoken a bit about the future of the game, unfortunately no specified dates or details, just a short review of all that has been said earlier:

We want to do this for the next 20 years. We really want to build out a platform for game modes and possible esports. We're committed to supporting this game for a long time

Greene also touched on PUBG's upcoming maps, saying its next 8x8 map will be arriving later this year, which is supposed to be set near the Adriatic Sea.

It is rumoured that the next map will have winter background with snow and stuff, but at the moment we have only its work name - Dihorotok.